Should you Believe?

Seeking the truth





What happened on September 11, 2001, was the cementing fact for me that there was no god. Watching the twin towers collapse on tv really got me thinking about how the terrorists who were flying those planes were raised in a culture that from the time they were old enough to understand anything, they were told that the united states was evil, and the god they believed in wanted them to kill as many people in the US as possible. This made me start to think that maybe society should teach children how to think, and not what to think.


 Being in the United States the dominating religion is Christianity, well who is to say Christianity is right and not Islam. Which god is right? The bigger question for me was is there any god? I found it exceedingly difficult to believe that a loving creator of the universe could allow such things to happen. I had read the bible cover to cover a few times and started realizing that it just does not add up. It is so barbaric and full of evil things. So, who was right, and who was wrong, I started thinking I do not care, period. This god stuff was made up in a time where there was no science, and people did not understand the universe at all, so they invented gods to explain what they did not know. They thought the earth was flat held up by 4 columns and that the sun rotated around the earth, and that man was created from sand. They had talking snakes, talking donkeys, and all sorts of made-up crap. Science has blown all that right out of the water.


 So yes, I am an atheist. I no longer can justify at all or reason that a god exists. People will ask me, are you not afraid of judgment day? And I respond with, look at it this way, if there is a god, and I don’t believe that there is, but if there is and there is a judgment to be made and let's say he’s not the god of Christianity, he’s one of the other gods, he will say to you on that day, you didn’t worship me, I’m not the god of Christianity so you have been worshiping the wrong god. So, to hell with you for worshiping the wrong god. On the other hand, he would look at me and say, you didn’t worship the wrong god, or me and i can’t fault you because I didn’t show you any good evidence for you to believe in me, so because you didn’t worship any god, I will send you to the theme park in the sky.


Personally, I think when you die that is the end of being, period. So, I try to be the best human being I can in this life, the only one I am guaranteed. Not because I fear a hell, or hope of getting into heaven, but because I am a human being, and I try to be the best human being I can each day because I care about people and the world we live in. My life today revolves around things that are known to be true. Facts and evidence are required to be true. I have neither for the so-called holy book.


If archaeologists 2000 years from now dug up New York city and found a book on Spiderman, would that make it true? Would Spiderman be real? Would people start worshiping Spiderman? Maybe!


People have said to me why do atheist seem to know the bible better than most Christians, the answer is because we looked for the truth.


Most people don’t know that there were 4 other Gods with the same resurrection story as Jesus, before the story of Jesus.


Most people are afraid to seek the truth in their beliefs and are just content in their way of thinking or don’t want to know the truth.


Question everything


People seek the truth in almost everything they do . If you tell me that the sweater you are wearing is red, my brain goes through a process as to whether that is true or not. If I am in front of you, I can see that the sweater is red. If we are talking on the phone my brain asks itself a series of questions, such as do I know you to be an honest person? Do I know you're not color blind? Have I ever seen you in a red sweater before? If all the boxes checkout, then I come to believe you are wearing a red sweater. We do this with almost everything in life, accept god. When you are seeking the truth about anything, ask yourself this simple little question. How do I know that to be true? If you know it just because you believe it to be true, that does not make it true. You wouldn’t base your beliefs on anything else in your life that way so, why with god?


Just like thousands of years ago people experience a situation they can’t explain, and immediately plug in, there for god. That is the god of the gap.


Thousands of books make claims, that does not make them true.